Beers Of The Beano - Saturday 09 November 2024
The Lidl Oktoberfest is now over and it’s time to get back on the road or the bus in this case. So today, it’s the John Wallace Linton in Newport and The Tiny Rebel Brewery Bar in Rogerstone. All mixed in with Dunkelflaute weather. Lovely.
The app said that the bus would arrive 5 minutes late and it actually arrived 3 minutes early. Arrive at the bus stop early and hope, is the best advice.
New iPad, working WiFi
The Cappuccino and a Smoked Bacon Roll, standard and Good Day Internet. The extended version of The Daily Tech News Show. Lots of leaves. The John Wallace Linton next.
The Winter Ales have arrived.
The review
Below Zero - Oakham Ales - 4.1% ABV. B+ and a bit, fruity, grapefruit, pine and a touch sour. Sour, bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Post Bonfire Night and now it’s downhill to Christmas and the New Year. Trying to avoid the Rugby like the wind.
Time for a can.
Yes bubbles on the glass.
The review
Caught by the Fuzz - Windsor and Eton - 5.0% ABV. B+ and a bit, big fruity nose. Sweet Peach with a gentle sour body. Gentle bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Nicely different Craft Can, probably imported in from a London Spoons? Tech issues with transcription and behind schedule.
A video on Newport and Beer with not quite accurate transcription.
The 151 to Rogerstone. They are every 15 minutes which is very positive.
When you are the first to arrive.
Nicely positioned close to the bar. The WiFi is very poor unlike the Cardiff Bar.
With new Merch too.
Cans to start, as they do on the Internet.
Limited Edition.
The review
Black Hops - Tiny Rebel - 5.0% ABV. B+ and a bit, malty, roasty and gently hoppy. Malty bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Limited edition in Orange and Black cans. I went Black for Black Hops. Tiny Rebel Brewery Bar, Rogerstone 🏴
Test the M4 iPad Pro with the Brewery Approach.
When you go to the bar and your Pint turns out to be Green. That!
Green, Sour Saturday.
The review
BeetL Juice - Tiny Rebel - 5.8% ABV. B++, a Watermelon sour and it’s rather good. Fruity, sweet and sour watermelon. Slightly sweet finish #ale #beer #bier
3.5/5. Really Green and tastes of Green too. Solid at 5.8% and you wouldn’t even know it. Keg but I’m pleased.
Food was ordered as well. Here’s the video.
Cardiff City (lost) on the wide screen and time for another Pint.
The review
XOXO - Tiny Rebel - 5.0% ABV. B+ and a bit. Blond IPA. Kveik yeast, malty with a big spicy peppery body. Bitter, fruity and peppery finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. I think that it should be a lot better than it is. Not that it’s bad but it could be better. However, still worth a punt.
And then the 151 and 50A home.