Wetherspoon’s Autumn Beer Festival 2024
Wednesday 09 October 2024
The Tumble Inn
It’s back 30 Real Ales from UK and World Brewers running until Sunday 20th October and maybe a little more. Some Wetherspoons have all the Ales on together, others have two or more on consequently. All the Ales, including those from World Brewers are brewed in UK Breweries. Tasdting notes and a combined scoring booklet is provided.
Rather muted Beer Festival decorations
A rather slow start with only two Festival Ales on but they were fresh on today.
One Welsh and one US Festival Ale.
The Ales are badged at £1.99 each buit the good old Tumble had them on at a very wallet friendly £1.79. As it was my lunchtime and I was going back to work I choose the lower AVB brew. Plus, it was Welsh too.
Gently clearing
The review
Wild Coast - Evan Evans - 4.4% ABV. B+ and a bit. Big and malty with a strong but well balanced bitter body. Long, strong bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. The first of my journey through Wetherspoon’s Autumn Beer Festival Ales. Not a bad start and 🏴 too.
I feasted on the Pint and the free WiFi and wandered back to work. Maybe the Who Dat tomorrow?